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JANUARY 14TH - Dr Hana Kahleova MD PhD MBA

On Thursday, January 14th we’re excited to have a leading researcher on diet, weight and health.

DR HANA KAHLEOVA will talk to us about the effects of PLANT 🌱 BASED DIETS on:






Dr Kahleova is the director of clinical research at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). She directs research studies analyzing the effect food choices have on the regulation of a healthy body weight and insulin resistance. She is familiar with many diets and their effects on weight loss and health.

Her most recent research, published November 2020 in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), analyzed the effect of a low-fat vegan diet on body weight, insulin sensitivity, metabolism and lipid (fat) levels. 

She is the lead author of more than a dozen nutrition studies and has contributed to dozens more.

She is the author of Vegetarian Diet in the Treatment of Diabetes (Maxdorf, 2013). 

She also wrote the chapter about using a plant-based diet to treat diabetes in Vegetarian and Plant-Based Diets in Health and Disease Prevention (Academic Press, 2017). 

Her favorite research topics include testing the effects plant-based diets have on metabolism, insulin function, fitness, and mental health, as well as studying the impact meal timing and meal frequency have on metabolism and body weight.

You can read more about Dr. Kahleova’s research in PubMed and view recent news articles online.

After her talk, Dr Kahleova will be available to answer our questions

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