Dr Barnett will discuss:
The 15 Day Whole Food Plant-Based Jumpstart: A Tool for Physician and Patient Success
(A monthly Zoom program that has reached over 2,000 people in 44 states and 7 countries)
Dr Barnett is the “High Tech Doctor with Low-Tech Solutions”
BS from Yale University, MD from Tufts
Board Certified in Diagnostic Radiology and Vascular Interventional Radiology, he has practiced in the Rochester, NY area for over 35 years
Board Certified in Lifestyle Medicine, he passed the inaugural examination given by the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine in 2017.
Fellow of the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine (FACLM) and former board member.
Dr Barnett, his wife and 3 children have thrived on an exclusively plant-based diet since 1991.
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